Master Brand Voice & Add $2,000-$17,000 To Every New Client Project
...With Live 1:1 Support


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Now includes Write Like Anyone, Voice Guide Creator, Write More Personality-er & Manifesto Maker

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Choose your option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($3000)$3000.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (5x $600)5x $600.00

Pay in full to receive an additional 1-hour private bonus call!

Add A Private Brand Voice Finder Session & Extra 1:1 Coaching

Special one-time offer, only $1500 $1100!

You'll work with Justin in an exclusive 2-hour session to identify your unique voice, style, and perspective. Not only will this make you a stronger, more interesting writer, it will give you unfathomably deep insight on how to pitch and execute this service yourself.

Plus, you'll receive 5 additional 30-minute 1:1 calls with Justin for ongoing coaching, honing your skills, and getting a leg up on your next project. Bye bye, doubt!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Voice & Voice Guide Certification With More Support Than You Can Possibly Imagine

Kim Kiel 

"This workshop immediately positions you as an expert. 

Telling clients I am a certified voice expert and that I have a process to capture their voice INSTANTLY tackles their objections. It’s a great add-on to copywriting packages. Clients are delighted to see what voice type they are, and it instantly positions you as an expert and they trust you even more. 

Great ROI with this course"

We're so excited you're joining this round of Brand Voice Visionary!

This is where copywriters become
True Brand Voice Experts

Inside, you'll discover: 

  • How to create, pitch, package, and sell a comprehensive voice guide that can add $2,000-$17,000 per project
  • Ways to become known as The Brand Voice Expert so you stand out from the horde of other copywriters 
  • A complete system to break down any voice (including your own) in a measurable, trackable way so you eliminate vague edits and cut approval times in half or more 
  • Tons of swipes & templates we'll customize together so you can start getting new contracts right away
  • 1:1 and small-group support where you can ask questions and have your work reviewed by certified voice masters, so you stay on track, move with confidence, and finish on top

  • Total payment
  • 1xBrand Voice Visionary$0

All prices in USD
